Assyrian Genocide Monument to be Unveiled
 The Australian Chapter of the Assyrian Universal Alliance proudly announced that the Assyrian Genocide Monument in Australia will be unveiled on August 7, 2010.
The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) in 1970 designated the 7th of August of each year as the “official” Assyrian Martyrs Day; a Memorial Day for the Assyrian Martyrs. Although this observance is of a comparatively recent date, it has gained widespread acceptance among the Assyrian people. Every nation needs to have a day set aside for the remembrance of those who gave their lives for the preservation of their cultural and ethnic identity. This is especially important for the Assyrian Nation; for no other people have given so many martyrs in the defense of their national, religious and ethnic rights.
The foundation work of the 1.2 meter high base has been completed. The unveiling would coincide with honoring the memory of the victims of the Assyrian genocide committed by the Ottoman government during World War I.
The unveiling will commence at 11 AM on August 7, 2010 at Bonnyrigg Park followed by a seminar on the Assyrian genocide, a documentary will be screened at the Assyrian Social Centre that shows the horror of genocide.
The Assyrian Universal Alliance is extending an open invitation to all Assyrians all around the globe to attend this important memorial ceremony to share this historic moment with us.
Click here for an official invitation.
Click here to read about the media coverage of the monument.
Click here to learn about the Assyrian Martyrs Day.
For more information contact Mr. Hermiz Shahen, Regional Secretary of the Assyrian Universal Alliance -Australia and New Zealand at Mobile: 0407 235349 or Email:[email protected]