Kurdistan region’s new government sworn in
The new KRG government includes two women ministers out of 27 ministers. By Seth J. Frantzman A MEMBER of the Iraqi security forces takes down a Kurdish flag in Kirkuk, Iraq.. (photo credit: REUTERS)
The Kurdistan autonomous region (KRG) in northern Iraq has a new government. “Today we inaugurated a new Kurdistan Regional Government, marking a new era for Kurdistan,” Kurdish Prime Minister Masrour Barzani tweeted Wednesday. It is an important and strategic step, coming more than a year and a half after the region held an independence referendum and suffered sanctions from Baghdad, and is now on its way to becoming a center of economic and security stability. “My commitment now is to work together with every party and every part of our nation to build a strong Kurdistan region for all,” Barzani said. The prime minister was sworn in at 11:30 a.m. according to Rudaw, the local Kurdish media network. He had been a key security official prior to his political role, as chancellor of the Kurdistan Region Security Council. He is the son of former Kurdistan president Masoud Barzani.