Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

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by Eman Nabih
the recent terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo AlWarrak Area 300×288 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt
20/10/2013 the recent terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo Al-Warrak Area, 18 got seriously injured and 5 got killed including Children and Women

Wake up America 300×167 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt
1 December 1982 document found during a raid in Switzerland by Swiss authorities on 7 November 2001. The target of the raid was Youssef Nada, director of the Al-Taqwa Bank of Lugano, who has had active association with the Muslim Brotherhood for more than 50 years and who admitted to being one of the organization’s international leaders:
Strategic Goal OF Extremist Muslim Brotherhood in USA

Many of The International News Medias, are still calling our 30/6/2013 revolution,”a coup”, and they are misleading their public opinion with fake news about what is really happening in Egypt, showing Extremists Brotherhood and their supporters as innocents virgins angels and persecuted too! Only recently, the world just woke up and remembered that Christians are being massacred in Egypt by Terrorists! Egyptians Haven’t heard the World’s voice, condemning any of the Brotherhood Crimes against the Egyptian Community, or crimes against Christians,When Brotherhood and Morsi ousted President were in reign!!!

When exactly, those who are faking news deliberately about Egypt, and misleading their public opinion, are going to call a spade, a spade?! When are they going to stop using that barefaced dirty double standard policy, in defining what is terrorism and what is not, depends on their own political interests in the Middle East region?!

Obama described Rebels and Terrorists in Syria, who are slaughtering Moderate Muslims and Christians, “Freedom Fighters“! If those terrorists are freedom Fighters, like Obama described them, then I guess Obama doesn’t mind to consider awarding Hitler’s Holocaust against Jews, with Nobel Prize!

Obama also congratulated ISNA, which is a notorious Muslim Brotherhood front group and Muslim Brotherhood Organization in Egypt, is their Mother Organization and they also support Hamas Organization.

While Brotherhood are burning churches in Egypt and killing Christians, Obama praised ISNA and told them that his administration is proud to be their partners in the USA! If Obama’s administration is proud now of terrorists and consider them partners in The USA, then I guess, Obama doesn’t mind to invite Al-Qaeda Organisation to visit the USA, and give them American citizenship, as a decent compensation for their terrorists activities against innocents and they can also join Obama’s Terrorists Club and live happily ever after! Since Obama supports Brotherhood Organization, so there won’t be any problem to include Al-Qaeda as well, which is the eldest daughter of Brotherhood Organisation.

Egypt is not dealing with Just Criminals or outlaws here, Egypt is Fighting Terrorism and this piece of information is addressed to the international News Medias and Obama’s Administration, who obviously are not just deaf and blind, but they are also suffering from Alzheimer’s too.

Egypt is fighting a Pure Evil Terrorism, just like that terrorism planted in Iraq, Libya, Tunis, and Syria. They are all connected to each other, They are all The Militants and Armed Militia of Muslim Brotherhood International Organization and luckily supported and blessed by Obama’s Administration.

Before Al-Qaeda was formed, all their members and leaders were members in the Brotherhood International Organisation, then they opened a new Branch from the Main Mother Brotherhood Headquarter, and called it Al-Qaeda Organization (this piece of information for those who don’t read the history of how and from where all terrorists groups were born!!!

Video published by an American Channel News Medias, showing Crimes and violence of Brotherhood against the Egyptian Community, and Brotherhood supporters armed with weapons shooting at security forces and Military Forces – explaining also the ties and the relation between Brotherhood Organization, Hamas and Al-Qaeda Organization.


Some Reporters and correspondents of specific International News Medias in Egypt, who are misleading their public opinion about who is really committing violence in Egypt, haven’t followed on any single poor case that has been solved and criminals got caught and presented to justice, did they ever check or publish who was the Criminal?

Ask those reporters in Egypt, have they ever interviewed any victims or any eyewitnesses Christians in Egypt about who threatened them, who attacked them and killed their beloved, who burned their homes, who for instance, threatened and terrorized them from voting in the presidential elections to the competitor of Brotherhood candidate?!

Read any article published already in the International News Medias about Egypt, like for instance the New York Times, David KirkPatrick and Mayy Elsheikh or the Wall Street Journal, Matt Mc Bradley and Reem Abd Elatif, or Washington Post, Erin Cunningham Mideast-based journalist in CairoYou will realize that those reporters in Egypt, beside being lazy, they never publish the other side of the story. In addition, they are  playing the role of Judges, policemen, investigators and lawyers, in favor of Muslim Brotherhood Leaders and their armed supporters, who practice daily violations and violence against the whole community.

Those reporters are big fans and supporters of Muslim Brotherhood, I wonder why?! Not only this, but instead of going out on the real ground and get the real story, they ask Brotherhood supporters on social Medias to get in contact with them because they are reporters in Egypt and would like to have an interview with them (That’s what I meant by laziness). In addition, they are interviewing Brotherhood supporters who call for violence and write incitement for encouraging killing of all participants in 30/6/2013 Revolution, instead of choosing Brotherhood supporters who protest peacefully, whom I doubt, exist at all…!

New York Times correspondent in Egypt get information source from Brotherhood supporters on the Social medias 300x156 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

It’s obvious, that those reporters were getting their news source from the Brotherhood leaders, then after they got arrested for serious charges, they can no longer provide their stories to those reporters.

International News Medias don’t call things by its real names. Terrorists in Egypt, attack and kill Moderate Muslims, just like they attack and kill Christians. Terrorists target anyone and everyone in the whole community, because they think that terrorizing the community, is their way to get back to power and reign again.

From July 2012 to June 2013, 830 victims in Egypt got killed and 9267 got injured all over the country, in different terror acts and crimes, during Brotherhood and Ousted President Regime. All those victims, whether who got killed or injured, they are from both sides, Christians and Moderate Muslims, who got attacked because they were demonstrating against Brotherhood Fascist Regime. Brotherhood terror against the whole community started from the first day they reached power, and not just after 30/6/2013 revolution, but I guess the world was just playing deaf and blind at that period!

The terrorists who got caught so far, accused of Killing Christians and burned churches and made more than 1000 Christian Families Homeless, They are called Brotherhood Terrorists Pure evil International Organization, a spade is a spade, can’t call it something else! (this is a link for calls and recordings revealed between Egyptian ousted president and Al-Qaeda Organization)

The following Video Of  Brotherhood Supporters on 4 July 2013, they were threatening directly and clearly to burn the Christians alive and turn the whole country to a blood bath: what you are going to watch and hear in that video, is exactly what is happening on the real ground – Video is subtitled in English.


The Following video in in Arabic Language and it is a recorded call of  Walid khatab a Brotherhood leader, he was saying that on 14/8/2013, Brotherhood and their supporters are going to turn Egypt to a Blood bath. Brotherhood are going to slaughter all those who revolted against Morsi the President and the Brotherhood Regime. Brotherhood are going to target and slaughter all Military and Police individuals, and if they fear on their lives, they should escape from their posts, but even if they escape, Brotherhood will slaughter them in their own homes. In addition he said:” their blood is ours. And starting from 14/8/2013, tell every body in Egypt, that we are not going to leave any Military or any Police Individual alive, we are not going to leave any one who revolted against Brotherhood alive, we will kill them all. Tell everybody that Egypt is going to see Organized operations targeting the Blood of all those who got our regime down, Egyptians will see what they have never seen before from Brotherhood. and tell everyone in Egypt, that anyone who supported the 30/6/2013 or the Military, all are going to be targeted by the Brotherhood, and tell them who I am and tell them my name, and tell them what I said, Egypt won’t enjoy anything from now on, but  blood bathes, tell them Brotherhood and their loyalists and supporters are going to slaughter all of them who revolted against us in the streets!!!


20 Oct 013 the recent terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo AlWarrak Area 18 got seriously injured and 4 got killed including Children and Women 300x215 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

20 Oct 013 the recent terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo AlWarrak Area 18 got seriously injured and 5 got killed including Children and Women

Youm7 Newspaper published a report dated 21/10/2013, on the crimes and violence of the Brotherhood Organization against Christians in Egypt, after Mohamed Morsi was ousted by the 30th of June 2013 Revolution.

212 different terror acts committed by Muslim Brotherhood Militias and their supporters against Christians (Killing Crimes; Churches and Orphanages buildings and schools got burned)

More than 15 Christians got killed and more than 1000 Homeless Christians Families (were forced to leave their homes, after they were threatened By Brotherhood and their armed supporters)

7 Christians were kidnapped and the looting and burn of more than 73 Churches in Egypt; Kidnapping of Christian Kids and women and their families got blackmailed to release them after paying ransoms, stores and shops owned by Christians got attacked and burned in different Egyptian cities).

Muslim Brothrhood Militias and Supporters Kidnap Christinas Children in Egypt 300x212 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Brotherhood Militias and their Supporters Kidnap Christians Children in Egypt

Crimes and violence committed by Brotherhood and their supporters against Christians in Egypt since the 30th of June 2013 Revolution, till 20/10/2013.

The recent terror attack on 20/10/2013, by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo Al-Warrak Area, 5 got killed including a 53 old woman and 8 years old Child and 18 got seriously injured while attending a wedding in front of the Church.

On 28/10/2013, Security forces succeeded in arresting 25 terrorists elements cell and investigations revealed that those terrorists were not just involved in the recent Church attack on 20/10/2013, but also in the assassination attempt of the Egyptian Minister of Interior on 5/9/2013, and also involved in attacking the Security Director of South Sinai and they also confessed their participation in killing and attacking Security Police Individuals and Military Individuals in Alarish and sheikh zuaid cities.
Terrorists elements were caught in Giza, Sharqia and Ismailia Cities, security forces adjusted huge quantities of explosives, weapons, ammunition and bombs possessed by Terrorists.

In addition, 9 Terrorists also got caught on 28/10/2013, in an apartment in Obour city, who belong to the same 25 terrorists cell arrested on the same day, and were also involved in the same recent terror acts. While the arrest, terrorists opened fire at the security forces. After exchanging fire, security forces arrested them all alive, and one was injured. Some of the terrorists names arrested by the police, Mohamed A.g 22 years old labor — Sayed Ahmed 25 years old work in a private co. – Omar H a Lawyer – Abu Elfotouh 65 years old Owner of a factory. Terrorists had in possession, two machine guns, 2 rifles, 60 bullets 6 ml, ammunition and 7 explosives materials. Terrorists confessed that arms and ammunition were smuggled to them through the Libyan borders.

On 29/10/2013, Military forces arrested 60 Palestinians and Egyptians terrorists elements, who belong to Anssar beit Al-Makdis in Sinai, and they confessed that they got trained and paid to create Chaos through terror acts all over the country in order to stop the trial of ousted President Mohamed Morsi.

In a video published 29/10/2013, Anssar Beit Al-Makdis in Sinai, announced their responsibility for the recent terror attacks in Egypt. A guy appeared in the video wearing Egyptian Military uniform. The international news medias, did not mention at all that the man who appeared in the video was dismissed from the Military in 2005, because of his Extremists ideas. International Medias intentionally mentioned that his is a Military officer and that’s it, so readers will get the hint that there is a split in the Egyptian Military!

The Military guy who appeared in the video was dismissed from the Military in 2005 for his Extremist Ideas, his name is Walid Badr.  After he got dismissed from the Military in 2005, he traveled to Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, where he got trained on suicide and explosive operations, then he returned to Egypt during the brotherhood reign, when Ousted President Brotherhood Morsi was giving presidential pardon to Terrorists and had Egypt’s borders wide opened and welcoming his terrorists allies to protect and support his Brotherhood regime. Ministry of Interior identified the DNA of Walid Badr who committed the suicide attack against the Minister of Interior on 5/9/2013, but did not reveal his name or identity earlier, in order to manage to arrest the whole terrorists elements cell, who committed the recent attacks in Egypt.

The 8 years old Christian Mariam got more than 8 bullets in her body by Brotherhood Militias while attanding a wedding at the church of the virgin in warak Cairo 256x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

The 8 years old Christian Mariam got more than 8 bullets in her body by Brotherhood Militias while attending a wedding at the church of the virgin in warak Cairo – 20/10/2013

Flobatir got a bullet in his Stomac he is the brother of Mariam the child who got killed in front of Warak Church on 20 Otober 2013 while attending a weding 300x201 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Flobatir got a bullet in his Stomach, he is the brother of Mariam the child who got killed in front of Warak Church on 20 October 2013 while attending a wedding

Christians in Egypt faced 212 terror acts committed against them by Brotherhood and their supporters in different cities in Egypt: Killing Crimes; Churches and Orphanages buildings  and schools burned, Homeless Christians who were forced by Brotherhood supporters to leave their homes, stores, shops and homes owned by Christians got looted and burned.

muslim brotherhood crimes against christians in egypt 300x212 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Adel Abadir Christian, got tortured by Muslim Brotherhood, he was almost going to get killed, Kidnappers tortured and threatened him from testifying on the Brotherhood Murderers who killed his friend, as he was an eyewitness of the crime.

Adel Abanob Victim of Brotherhood militia got killed on 30of June 2013  300x225 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Adel Abanob Christian Victim of Brotherhood militia got killed on 30 of June 2013, his friend in the above picture got tortured by Brotherhood and threatened not to testify on who killed his best friend

15 Christians got killed after Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi got ousted By 30/6/2013 revolution.

6 Christians got killed in the first week after 3/7/2013, the date of Morsi was isolated from his post. Among those Christians who got killed was a Priest in Al-Arish City- Sinai.

Muslim Brotherhood crimes against Christians in AlArish 300x217 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Christian Priest got killed by Muslim Brotherhood Militia in AlArish city – Sinai.

Helal Saber was burned alive because he is a Christian 300x193 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Helal Saber Christian was stabbed and burned alive by Mulsim Brotherhood supporters

5 Christians got killed after 14/8/2013 the date of the disengagements of Both Rabaa and Nahda squares Where Brotherhood and their supporters were camping and practicing terror acts against the whole Community.

christian woman got injured on 20 Oct 2013 after terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo AlWarrak Area 18 got seriously injured 4 got killed including Children 286x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

christian woman got injured on 20 Oct 2013 after terror attack by gunmen opened fire on the Church of the Virgin in Cairo AlWarrak Area, 18 got seriously injured & 5 got killed including Children & Women

5 Christians got killed including an 8 years old child and a 53 old woman and 18 got seriously injured on 20/10/2013, after Gunmen opened fire at Christians attending a wedding in front of the Church Virgin in Warak – Cairo.

More than 1000 Homeless Christians families were forced to leave their homes and jobs at Orphanages and Christian institutions, and got threatened by Muslim Brotherhood Militias, whether to leave or get burned alive in their own homes. In addition, Orphanages homes and Christians institutions got attacked and burned.

A 6 years old Muslim girl was hair cut by her veiled teacher It was her punishment for not wearing  300x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Sisterhood in Egypt also have their own way in terrorizing both Muslims and Christians who don’t relate to Brotherhood Organization – sisterhood cut the hair of a Christian student inside the Metro – and sisterhood teacher in a school cut the hair of a Muslim student, that was the sisterhood teacher’s punishment to the child because she was not veiled!!!

7 Christians got kidnapped in Upper Egypt Cities.

The total of 73 Churches got attacked, looted and burned:

  • 38 Churches got looted and totally burned.
  • 16 Churches in Upper Egypt Minia city, their babies nurseries got totally burned – 3 Churches in Sohag City, 5 Churches in Fayoum City, 4 Churches in Suez City, 7 Churches in Assiut City and 2 Churches in Giza and Al-Arish City, all got looted and totally burned including burning Orphanages homes, Educational and activities centers and babies nurseries related to all those Churches.
  • 23 Churches have been partly damaged by throwing stones, Molotov cocktails and gunfire.
Jessy Bulos 10 years old child killed by MB Extremists with a machine gun Jessys Funeral 300x170 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Jessy Bulos 10 years old child – Christian – killed by MB Extremists, gunmen opened fire, used macine guns – Jessy’s Funeral

58  houses owned by Christians got attacked and owners were forced to move outside the cities where they were living.

85 shops owned by Christians got attacked and burned in different cities.

16 Pharmacies owned by Christians got attacked.

6 Christians schools got attacked on 14/8/2013.

3 hotels Got attacked, looted and burned (Horus hotel, Susanna and Akhnaton Hotels) and 75 buses and a car owned by churches got damaged and 6 of them got totally burned.

The attack on the Church of St. George Catholics, village Delga,on 3/7/2013.

Mina Ezzat Christian Police Officer got killed by Mb supporters because he was defending the police station with other police colleagues from being attacked by Brotherhood supporters  286x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Mina Ezzat – Christian – Police Officer got killed by Mb supporters when he was defending the police station with other police colleagues from being attacked by Brotherhood supporters.

4/7/2013, a Christian got killed and 30 houses and shops owned by Christians got seriously damaged and some houses totally burned.

4/7/2013,  4 Christians got killed after the attack on 23 houses owned by Christians in Dabiaa Luxor City, most of the Christians who lived in the village, deserted it after that attack.

Priest Mina Abboud Sharobim was shot dead in front of the Church of El Arish – Sinai.

5 got Killed in the Violent events of St. George Bacchus Church in Alexandria City and Delga village in Minya City.

Ramy Zakaria Christian killed with a shot gun in his head by MB supporters in Alraml Station Alexandria 234x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Ramy Zakaria – Christian killed with a shot gun in his head by MB supporters in Al-Raml Station – Alexandria – He was one of Christians Youth in Marry girgis Church Bakous – Alexandria

From 14/8/2013 to 19/8/2013, there were organized attacks and terror acts against many Churches in different Cities in Egypt, which happened at the same time and dates:

5 Churches got attacked in Cairo City  from 14/8/2013  to 16/8/2013 : 

Saint Fatima Church of the Basilica of the Chaldean Catholics in Heliopolis: Church walls got smeared with hate speech words and incitement and threats of killing Christians on 14/8/2013.

Gunmen opened fire on Abu Sifin Church and killed Fawzy Moreed Christian citizen, in Marg – Cairo. 15/8/2013.

Mar Girgis Church attacked in Maadi Cairo on 16/8/2013.

Mar Girgis Church in Helwan, attacked by setting fire on 16/8/2013.

Shnoda Amin Christian owned mobiles shop in Giza killed by MB supporters on the 14th of August 2013 193x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Shnoda Amin, Christian owned mobiles shop in Giza killed by MB supporters on the 14th of August 2013

10 Churches looted and burned in Giza Governorate  from 14/8/2013 to 17/8/2013

Angel Michael Church and Virgin Miriam Church Kirdassa got looted and burned – Giza on 14/8/2013.

Martyrs Church – Diocese of Atfeeh – Monastery of Prophets Generosity got attacked and looted on 14/8/2013.

In different areas in Giza, 5 Churches got attacked and looted from 14/8/2013 to 17/8/2013: Mar Girgis Church 14/8/2013 – Diocese of Giza on 16/8/2013 – Miriam Church on 17/8/2013 – Lady Miriam Church on 15/8/2013 – Virgin Church in Mansouriya on 14/8/2013 – Virgin Church in Omraniya  on 14/8/2013.

Fawzy Moreed Christian killed by MB supporters on 15 August 2013 in front of his shop got killed because he had Mother Meriam image hanged in his shop 194x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Fawzy Moreed – Christian killed by MB supporters on 15 August 2013 in front of his shop- got killed because he had Virgin Miriam image hanged in his shop

5 Churches, Christians Schools and Hospitals, Private Properties and homes got looted and burned in  Suez City on 14/8/2013 at the same time

Greek Catholic Church got burned.

Nuns of the Good Shepherd Home and Aldeir Church got looted and burned.

Angelic Church got Burned.

Fathers Church of Franciscan got looted and burned, besides Private properties and Homes owned by Christians got looted and burned.

Fathers of Franciscan School got looted and burned.

Christians Catholic School and Hospital related to the Nuns of the Good Shepherd.

Beshoy Michael Sabet Menia City upper Egypt burned alive in Mermid Boat where he worked MB supporters set fire in the boat owned by a Christian 300x225 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Beshoy Michael Sabet Menia City – upper Egypt- burned alive in Mermaid Boat where he worked – MB supporters set fire in the boat owned by a Christian

2 Churches, Private Properties and homes got looted and burned, 2 Christians Citizens got tortured and killed  in  Alexandria  City from  14/8/2013 to 16/8/2013

Stones assault on St. Maximus Church on 14/8/2013.

Break into the Church of St. George, Ramy Zakaria Christian Citizen got killed on 14/8/2013

15/8/2013, Mina Raafat Aziz got killed by Muslim Brotherhood supporters, while they were demonstrating in Alexandria by the Corniche, Supporters of Brotherhood attacked him the minute they saw the Cross hanged in his Taxi,  started beating him to death, and stabbed him many times in different areas in His body, and after he was dead, they smeared his body with knives. His car was totally smashed by Brotherhood supporters.

Mina Raafat Aziz Christian taxi deriver killed 15 August 2013 by MB supporters in Alexandria 300x197 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Mina Raafat Aziz – Christian – taxi driver killed 15 August 2013 by MB supporters in Alexandria

Rev. Moses Mina St. George Alexandria Church priest’s Private car got burned and another car outside the church got burned as well on 16/8/2013.

Algharbia City, 2 Churches got attacked, looted and burned on 14/8/2013 and 16/8/2013

The Church of St. George – Tanta – attacked with stones and Molotov cocktails on 14/8/2013.

Firing with Live ammunition at the Church of Angel  on 16/8/2013.

Attack on the Coptic Cathedral in cairo egypt 264x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Attack on the Coptic Cathedral in Cairo Egypt

Monofia City 1 Church got looted and burned on 16/8/2013

Belongings of the Church of Lady Miriam got burned.

Kafr El -Sheikh governorate, 1 Church Got attacked by heavy firing with Machine guns on 16/8/2013

Firing shots at Church of St. Demiana.

Saint Mark Cathedral attacked and burned by brotherhood supporters and burned the bible 300x233 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Saint Mark Cathedral attacked and burned and Brotherhood supporters burned the Bible as the screenshot shows

Damietta Governorate, 1 Church got attacked on 18/8/2013

Assault on Church using Firing Molotov, Church located in Street Abdul Rahman, fourth district.

Human rights groups accusing Islamist and supporters of Brotherhood of Threatening the Egyptian Christian Pope 300x300 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood Supporters threatens to the Pope

Port Said City, damaging private properties owned by Christians on 19/8/2013

Smashing Properties of the  Rev. Shenouda pastor of the Church of St. George.

North Sinai Governorate Burning of 1 Church on 14/8/2013

Damages and burns to one of the Churches in Minia Governorate Upper Egypt 300x227 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

One of the Churches in Minia Governorate Upper Egypt, got looted and burned

Burning Church of St. George Street – El Arish – North Sinai.

Brotherhood supporters looted all the contents of Malawy museum MenuaUpper Egypt 300x228 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Brotherhood supporters looted all the contents of Malawy museum ,Menia City,Upper Egypt

Minia Governorate on 17/8/2013, Muslim Brotherhood and their Supporters break into the Following Churches,, Kicked Christians, and made their Fridays Prayers in the Churches, claiming that Churches are owned by Brotherhood:

The Church of the Virgin and the Church of Bishop Ibram in Delga Village, and Deir Mawas Center.

After Breaking into the above mentioned 2 churches, Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters, kicked all Christians outside the Church and threatened them, and Brotherhood and their supporters, told Christians to watch them while they make their Fridays Prayers in those 2 Churches, claiming that Christians and all their belongings and properties including Churches, are owned by Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!!!

On the same day 17/8/2013, same Governorate, Brotherhood supporters attacked Anba Black Moses Church and the Evangelical Church and there were 8 different attacks on many of the private properties of Christians in the same city.

Brotherhood burn churches in Egypt 300x168 Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt

Brotherhood burned churches in Egypt

Details of all Churches names and locations and Christians Private Properties attacked, looted and burned all over the country

Report On Brotherhood Organization Crimes Against Christians In Egypt